Tag ~prusa i

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Improving Intelligent Crop Breeding with 3D Printed Sugar Beet Plant

3D Hubs 2018 3D Printer Guide: Top Choices in 3D Printing for Reliability Quality Cost

Metal Filament 3D Printing of 316L Stainless Steel on a Prusa i3

3D Printing News Briefs: January 30 2018

2017: The Year in 3D Printers

3D Printed LED Domes Shed Light on Scientific Research

3D Printing Gets Cheeky for April Fools 2018

3D Printing News Briefs: October 13 2018

Researchers Develop a LowCost Metal 3D Printer Using MIG Welding

Researchers Investigate Tensile Properties of 3D Printed PLA Specimens: Is 80 Infill Best

UK Researchers Develop Responsive CelluloseBased Ink for 4D Printing